#!/bin/bash # This script automates the licensing of the vGPU guest driver # on Unraid boot. Set the Schedule to: "At Startup of Array". # # Relies on FastAPI-DLS for the licensing. # It assumes FeatureType=1 (vGPU), change it as you see fit in line <114> # # Requires `eflutils` to be installed in the system for `nvidia-gridd` to run # To Install it: # 1) You might find it here: https://packages.slackware.com/ (choose the 64bit version of Slackware) # 2) Download the package and put it in /boot/extra to be installed on boot # 3) a. Reboot to install it, OR # b. Run `upgradepkg --install-new /boot/extra/elfutils*` # [i]: Make sure to have only one version of elfutils, otherwise you might run into issues # Sources and docs: # https://docs.nvidia.com/grid/15.0/grid-vgpu-user-guide/index.html#configuring-nls-licensed-client-on-linux # ################################################ # MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THESE VARIABLES # ################################################ ###### CHANGE ME! # IP and PORT of FastAPI-DLS DLS_IP= DLS_PORT=443 # Token folder, must be on a filesystem that supports # linux filesystem permissions (eg: ext4,xfs,btrfs...) TOKEN_PATH=/mnt/user/system/nvidia PING=$(which ping) # Check if the License is applied if [[ "$(nvidia-smi -q | grep "Expiry")" == *Expiry* ]]; then echo " [i] Your vGPU Guest drivers are already licensed." echo " [i] $(nvidia-smi -q | grep "Expiry")" echo " [<] Exiting..." exit 0 fi # Check if the FastAPI-DLS server is reachable # Check if the License is applied MAX_RETRIES=30 for i in $(seq 1 $MAX_RETRIES); do echo -ne "\r [>] Attempt $i to connect to $DLS_IP." if ping -c 1 $DLS_IP >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\n [*] Connection successful." break fi if [ $i -eq $MAX_RETRIES ]; then echo -e "\n [!] Connection failed after $MAX_RETRIES attempts." echo -e "\n [<] Exiting..." exit 1 fi sleep 1 done # Check if the token folder exists if [ -d "${TOKEN_PATH}" ]; then echo " [*] Token Folder exists. Proceeding..." else echo " [!] Token Folder does not exists or not ready yet. Exiting." echo " [!] Token Folder Specified: ${TOKEN_PATH}" exit 1 fi # Check if elfutils are installed, otherwise nvidia-gridd service # wont start if [ "$(grep -R "elfutils" /var/log/packages/* | wc -l)" != 0 ]; then echo " [*] Elfutils is installed, proceeding..." else echo " [!] Elfutils is not installed, downloading and installing..." echo " [!] Downloading elfutils to /boot/extra" echo " [i] This script will download elfutils from slackware64-15.0 repository." echo " [i] If you have a different version of Unraid (6.11.5), you might want to" echo " [i] download and install a suitable version manually from the slackware" echo " [i] repository, and put it in /boot/extra to be install on boot." echo " [i] You may also install it by running: " echo " [i] upgradepkg --install-new /path/to/elfutils-*.txz" echo "" echo " [>] Downloading elfutils from slackware64-15.0 repository:" wget -q -nc --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll -P /boot/extra https://slackware.uk/slackware/slackware64-15.0/slackware64/l/elfutils-0.186-x86_64-1.txz 2>/dev/null \ || { echo " [!] Error while downloading elfutils, please download it and install it manually."; exit 1; } echo "" if upgradepkg --install-new /boot/extra/elfutils-0.186-x86_64-1.txz then echo " [*] Elfutils installed and will be installed automatically on boot" else echo " [!] Error while installing, check logs..." exit 1 fi fi echo " [~] Sleeping for 60 seconds before continuing..." echo " [i] The script is waiting until the boot process settles down." for i in {60..1}; do printf "\r [~] %d seconds remaining" "$i" sleep 1 done printf "\n" create_token () { echo " [>] Creating new token..." if ${PING} -c1 ${DLS_IP} > /dev/null 2>&1 then # curl --insecure -L -X GET https://${DLS_IP}:${DLS_PORT}/-/client-token -o ${TOKEN_PATH}/client_configuration_token_"$(date '+%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S')".tok || { echo " [!] Could not get the token, please check the server."; exit 1;} wget -q -nc -4c --no-check-certificate --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll -O "${TOKEN_PATH}"/client_configuration_token_"$(date '+%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S')".tok https://${DLS_IP}:${DLS_PORT}/-/client-token \ || { echo " [!] Could not get the token, please check the server."; exit 1;} chmod 744 "${TOKEN_PATH}"/*.tok || { echo " [!] Could not chmod the tokens."; exit 1; } echo "" echo " [*] Token downloaded and stored in ${TOKEN_PATH}." else echo " [!] Could not get token, DLS server unavailable ." exit 1 fi } setup_run () { echo " [>] Setting up gridd.conf" cp /etc/nvidia/gridd.conf.template /etc/nvidia/gridd.conf || { echo " [!] Error configuring gridd.conf, did you install the drivers correctly?"; exit 1; } sed -i 's/FeatureType=0/FeatureType=1/g' /etc/nvidia/gridd.conf echo "ClientConfigTokenPath=${TOKEN_PATH}" >> /etc/nvidia/gridd.conf echo " [>] Creating /var/lib/nvidia folder structure" mkdir -p /var/lib/nvidia/GridLicensing echo " [>] Starting nvidia-gridd" if pgrep nvidia-gridd >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " [!] nvidia-gridd service is running. Closing." sh /usr/lib/nvidia/sysv/nvidia-gridd stop stop_exit_code=$? if [ $stop_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then echo " [*] nvidia-gridd service stopped successfully." else echo " [!] Error while stopping nvidia-gridd service." exit 1 fi # Kill the service if it does not close if pgrep nvidia-gridd >/dev/null 2>&1; then kill -9 "$(pgrep nvidia-gridd)" || { echo " [!] Error while closing nvidia-gridd service" exit 1 } fi echo " [*] Restarting nvidia-gridd service." sh /usr/lib/nvidia/sysv/nvidia-gridd start if pgrep nvidia-gridd >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " [*] Service started, PID: $(pgrep nvidia-gridd)" else echo -e " [!] Error while starting nvidia-gridd service. Use strace -f nvidia-gridd to debug.\n [i] Check if elfutils is installed.\n [i] strace is not installed by default." exit 1 fi else sh /usr/lib/nvidia/sysv/nvidia-gridd start if pgrep nvidia-gridd >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " [*] Service started, PID: $(pgrep nvidia-gridd)" else echo -e " [!] Error while starting nvidia-gridd service. Use strace -f nvidia-gridd to debug.\n [i] Check if elfutils is installed.\n [i] strace is not installed by default." exit 1 fi fi } for token in "${TOKEN_PATH}"/*; do if [ "${token: -4}" == ".tok" ] then echo " [*] Tokens found..." setup_run else echo " [!] No Tokens found..." create_token setup_run fi done while true; do if nvidia-smi -q | grep "Expiry" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " [>] vGPU licensed!" echo " [i] $(nvidia-smi -q | grep "Expiry")" break else echo -ne " [>] vGPU not licensed yet... Checking again in 5 seconds\c" for i in {1..5}; do sleep 1 echo -ne ".\c" done echo -ne "\r\c" fi done echo " [>] Done..." exit 0