
569 lines
25 KiB

Minimal Delegated License Service (DLS).
Compatibility tested with official DLS 2.0.1.
This service can be used without internet connection.
Only the clients need a connection to this service on configured port.
**Official Links**
- Docker Image `collinwebdesigns/fastapi-dls:latest`
*All other repositories are forks! (which is no bad - just for information and bug reports)*
# Setup (Service)
**System requirements**
- 256mb ram
- 4gb hdd
Tested with Ubuntu 22.10 (from Proxmox templates), actually its consuming 100mb ram and 750mb hdd.
**Prepare your system**
- Make sure your timezone is set correct on you fastapi-dls server and your client
## Docker
Docker-Images are available here:
- [Docker-Hub]( `collinwebdesigns/fastapi-dls:latest`
- [GitLab-Registry]( ``
**Run this on the Docker-Host**
mkdir -p $WORKING_DIR
# create instance private and public key for singing JWT's
openssl genrsa -out $WORKING_DIR/instance.private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in $WORKING_DIR/instance.private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out $WORKING_DIR/instance.public.pem
# create ssl certificate for integrated webserver (uvicorn) - because clients rely on ssl
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $WORKING_DIR/webserver.key -out $WORKING_DIR/webserver.crt
**Start container**
To test if everything is set up properly you can start container as following:
docker volume create dls-db
docker run -e DLS_URL=`hostname -i` -e DLS_PORT=443 -p 443:443 -v $WORKING_DIR:/app/cert -v dls-db:/app/database collinwebdesigns/fastapi-dls:latest
**Docker-Compose / Deploy stack**
Goto [`docker-compose.yml`](docker-compose.yml) for more advanced example (with reverse proxy usage).
version: '3.9'
x-dls-variables: &dls-variables
TZ: Europe/Berlin # REQUIRED, set your timezone correctly on fastapi-dls AND YOUR CLIENTS !!!
DLS_URL: localhost # REQUIRED, change to your ip or hostname
LEASE_EXPIRE_DAYS: 90 # 90 days is maximum
DATABASE: sqlite:////app/database/db.sqlite
DEBUG: false
image: collinwebdesigns/fastapi-dls:latest
restart: always
<<: *dls-variables
- "443:443"
- /opt/docker/fastapi-dls/cert:/app/cert
- dls-db:/app/database
logging: # optional, for those who do not need logs
driver: "json-file"
max-file: 5
max-size: 10m
## Debian/Ubuntu (manual method using `git clone` and python virtual environment)
Tested on `Debian 11 (bullseye)`, Ubuntu may also work.
**Make sure you are logged in as root.**
**Install requirements**
apt-get update && apt-get install git python3-venv python3-pip
**Install FastAPI-DLS**
mkdir -p $WORKING_DIR
git clone .
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
chown -R www-data:www-data $WORKING_DIR
**Create keypair and webserver certificate**
# create instance private and public key for singing JWT's
openssl genrsa -out $WORKING_DIR/instance.private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in $WORKING_DIR/instance.private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out $WORKING_DIR/instance.public.pem
# create ssl certificate for integrated webserver (uvicorn) - because clients rely on ssl
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $WORKING_DIR/webserver.key -out $WORKING_DIR/webserver.crt
chown -R www-data:www-data $WORKING_DIR
**Test Service**
This is only to test whether the service starts successfully.
cd /opt/fastapi-dls/app
su - www-data -c "/opt/fastapi-dls/venv/bin/uvicorn main:app --app-dir=/opt/fastapi-dls/app"
# or
sudo -u www-data -c "/opt/fastapi-dls/venv/bin/uvicorn main:app --app-dir=/opt/fastapi-dls/app"
**Create config file**
mkdir /etc/fastapi-dls
cat <<EOF >/etc/fastapi-dls/env
**Create service**
cat <<EOF >/etc/systemd/system/fastapi-dls.service
Description=Service for fastapi-dls
ExecStart=/opt/fastapi-dls/venv/bin/uvicorn main:app \\
--env-file /etc/fastapi-dls/env \\
--host \$DLS_URL --port \$DLS_PORT \\
--app-dir /opt/fastapi-dls/app \\
--ssl-keyfile /opt/fastapi-dls/app/cert/webserver.key \\
--ssl-certfile /opt/fastapi-dls/app/cert/webserver.crt \\
Now you have to run `systemctl daemon-reload`. After that you can start service
with `systemctl start fastapi-dls.service` and enable autostart with `systemctl enable fastapi-dls.service`.
## Debian/Ubuntu (using `dpkg`)
Packages are available here:
- [GitLab-Registry](
Successful tested with:
- Debian 12 (Bookworm) (works but not recommended because it is currently in *testing* state)
- Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu)
Not working with:
- Debian 11 (Bullseye) and lower (missing `python-jose` dependency)
- Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) (not supported as for 15.01.2023 due to [fastapi - uvicorn version missmatch](
**Run this on your server instance**
First go to [GitLab-Registry]( and select your
version. Then you have to copy the download link of the `fastapi-dls_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb` asset.
apt-get update
wget -O $FILENAME <download-url>
dpkg -i $FILENAME
apt-get install -f --fix-missing
Start with `systemctl start fastapi-dls.service` and enable autostart with `systemctl enable fastapi-dls.service`.
## ArchLinux (using `pacman`)
**Shout out to `samicrusader` who created build file for ArchLinux!**
Packages are available here:
- [GitLab-Registry](
pacman -Sy
curl -o $FILENAME <download-url>
# or
wget -O $FILENAME <download-url>
pacman -U --noconfirm fastapi-dls.pkg.tar.zst
Start with `systemctl start fastapi-dls.service` and enable autostart with `systemctl enable fastapi-dls.service`.
## Let's Encrypt Certificate (optional)
If you're using installation via docker, you can use `traefik`. Please refer to their documentation.
Note that port 80 must be accessible, and you have to install `socat` if you're using `standalone` mode.
```shell --issue -d \
--cert-file /etc/fastapi-dls/webserver.donotuse.crt \
--key-file /etc/fastapi-dls/webserver.key \
--fullchain-file /etc/fastapi-dls/webserver.crt \
--reloadcmd "systemctl restart fastapi-dls.service"
After first success you have to replace `--issue` with `--renew`.
# Configuration
| Variable | Default | Usage |
| `DEBUG` | `false` | Toggles `fastapi` debug mode |
| `DLS_URL` | `localhost` | Used in client-token to tell guest driver where dls instance is reachable |
| `DLS_PORT` | `443` | Used in client-token to tell guest driver where dls instance is reachable |
| `TOKEN_EXPIRE_DAYS` | `1` | Client auth-token validity (used for authenticate client against api, **not `.tok` file!**) |
| `LEASE_EXPIRE_DAYS` | `90` | Lease time in days |
| `LEASE_RENEWAL_PERIOD` | `0.15` | The percentage of the lease period that must elapse before a licensed client can renew a license \*1 |
| `DATABASE` | `sqlite:///db.sqlite` | See [official SQLAlchemy docs]( |
| `CORS_ORIGINS` | `https://{DLS_URL}` | Sets `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header (comma separated string) \*2 |
| `SITE_KEY_XID` | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` | Site identification uuid |
| `INSTANCE_REF` | `10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001` | Instance identification uuid |
| `ALLOTMENT_REF` | `20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001` | Allotment identification uuid |
| `INSTANCE_KEY_RSA` | `<app-dir>/cert/instance.private.pem` | Site-wide private RSA key for singing JWTs \*3 |
| `INSTANCE_KEY_PUB` | `<app-dir>/cert/instance.public.pem` | Site-wide public key \*3 |
\*1 For example, if the lease period is one day and the renewal period is 20%, the client attempts to renew its license
every 4.8 hours. If network connectivity is lost, the loss of connectivity is detected during license renewal and the
client has 19.2 hours in which to re-establish connectivity before its license expires.
\*2 Always use `https`, since guest-drivers only support secure connections!
\*3 If you recreate instance keys you need to **recreate client-token for each guest**!
# Setup (Client)
**The token file has to be copied! It's not enough to C&P file contents, because there can be special characters.**
Successfully tested with this package versions:
- `14.3` (Linux-Host: `510.108.03`, Linux-Guest: `510.108.03`, Windows-Guest: `513.91`)
- `14.4` (Linux-Host: `510.108.03`, Linux-Guest: `510.108.03`, Windows-Guest: `514.08`)
- `15.0` (Linux-Host: `525.60.12`, Linux-Guest: `525.60.13`, Windows-Guest: `527.41`)
## Linux
Download *client-token* and place it into `/etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken`:
curl --insecure -L -X GET https://<dls-hostname-or-ip>/-/client-token -o /etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken/client_configuration_token_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S').tok
# or
wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken/client_configuration_token_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S').tok https://<dls-hostname-or-ip>/-/client-token
Restart `nvidia-gridd` service:
service nvidia-gridd restart
Check licensing status:
nvidia-smi -q | grep "License"
Output should be something like:
vGPU Software Licensed Product
License Status : Licensed (Expiry: YYYY-M-DD hh:mm:ss GMT)
Done. For more information check [troubleshoot section](#troubleshoot).
## Windows
**Power-Shell** (run as administrator!)
Download *client-token* and place it into `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\vGPU Licensing\ClientConfigToken`:
curl.exe --insecure -L -X GET https://<dls-hostname-or-ip>/-/client-token -o "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\vGPU Licensing\ClientConfigToken\client_configuration_token_$($(Get-Date).tostring('dd-MM-yy-hh-mm-ss')).tok"
Restart `NvContainerLocalSystem` service:
Restart-Service NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem
Check licensing status:
& 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.exe' -q | Select-String "License"
Output should be something like:
vGPU Software Licensed Product
License Status : Licensed (Expiry: YYYY-M-DD hh:mm:ss GMT)
Done. For more information check [troubleshoot section](#troubleshoot).
# Endpoints
### `GET /`
Redirect to `/-/readme`.
### `GET /-/health`
Status endpoint, used for *healthcheck*.
### `GET /-/config`
Shows current runtime environment variables and their values.
### `GET /-/readme`
HTML rendered
### `GET /-/manage`
Shows a very basic UI to delete origins or leases.
### `GET /-/origins?leases=false`
List registered origins.
| Query Parameter | Default | Usage |
| `leases` | `false` | Include referenced leases per origin |
### `DELETE /-/origins`
Deletes all origins and their leases.
### `GET /-/leases?origin=false`
List current leases.
| Query Parameter | Default | Usage |
| `origin` | `false` | Include referenced origin per lease |
### `DELETE /-/lease/{lease_ref}`
Deletes an lease.
### `GET /-/client-token`
Generate client token, (see [installation](#installation)).
### Others
There are many other internal api endpoints for handling authentication and lease process.
# Troubleshoot
**Please make sure that fastapi-dls and your guests are on the same timezone!**
## Linux
Logs are available with `journalctl -u nvidia-gridd -f`.
## Windows
Logs are available in `C:\Users\Public\Documents\Nvidia\LoggingLog.NVDisplay.Container.exe.log`.
# Known Issues
## Linux
### `uvicorn.error:Invalid HTTP request received.`
This message can be ignored.
- Ref.
<summary>Log example</summary>
WARNING:uvicorn.error:Invalid HTTP request received.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uvicorn/protocols/http/", line 129, in handle_events
event = self.conn.next_event()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h11/", line 485, in next_event
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h11/", line 77, in _reraise_as_remote_protocol_error
raise self
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h11/", line 467, in next_event
event = self._extract_next_receive_event()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h11/", line 409, in _extract_next_receive_event
event = self._reader(self._receive_buffer)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h11/", line 84, in maybe_read_from_IDLE_client
raise LocalProtocolError("no request line received")
h11._util.RemoteProtocolError: no request line received
## Windows
### Required cipher on Windows Guests (e.g. managed by domain controller with GPO)
It is required to enable `SHA1` (`TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA_P521`)
in [windows cipher suite](
### Multiple Display Container LS Instances
On Windows on some machines there are running two or more instances of `NVIDIA Display Container LS`. This causes a
problem on licensing flow. As you can see in the logs below, there are two lines with `NLS initialized`, each prefixed
with `<1>` and `<2>`. So it is possible, that *daemon 1* fetches a valid license through dls-service, and *daemon 2*
gets a valid local license.
Tue Dec 20 17:25:11 2022:<1>:NLS initialized
Tue Dec 20 17:25:12 2022:<2>:NLS initialized
Tue Dec 20 17:25:16 2022:<1>:Valid GRID license not found. GPU features and performance will be restricted. To enable full functionality please configure licensing details.
Tue Dec 20 17:25:17 2022:<1>:License acquired successfully. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2022-12-21 16:25:16 GMT)
Tue Dec 20 17:25:17 2022:<2>:Valid GRID license not found. GPU features and performance will be restricted. To enable full functionality please configure licensing details.
Tue Dec 20 17:25:38 2022:<2>:License acquired successfully from local trusted store. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2022-12-21 16:25:16 GMT)
> [ origin ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000: {'candidate_origin_ref': '41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000', 'environment': {'fingerprint': {'mac_address_list': ['5E:F0:79:E6:DE:E1']}, 'hostname': 'PC-Windows', 'ip_address_list': ['2003:a:142e:c800::1cc', 'fdfe:7fcd:e30f:40f5:ad5c:e67b:49a6:cfb3', 'fdfe:7fcd:e30f:40f5:6409:db1c:442b:f90b', 'fe80::a32e:f736:8988:fe45', ''], 'guest_driver_version': '527.41', 'os_platform': 'Windows 10 Pro', 'os_version': '10.0.19045', 'host_driver_version': '525.60.12', 'gpu_id_list': ['1E3010DE-133210DE'], 'client_platform_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113', 'hv_platform': 'Unknown', 'cpu_sockets': 1, 'physical_cores': 8}, 'registration_pending': False, 'update_pending': False}
> [ origin ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000: {'candidate_origin_ref': '41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000', 'environment': {'fingerprint': {'mac_address_list': ['5E:F0:79:E6:DE:E1']}, 'hostname': 'PC-Windows', 'ip_address_list': ['2003:a:142e:c800::1cc', 'fdfe:7fcd:e30f:40f5:ad5c:e67b:49a6:cfb3', 'fdfe:7fcd:e30f:40f5:6409:db1c:442b:f90b', 'fe80::a32e:f736:8988:fe45', ''], 'guest_driver_version': '527.41', 'os_platform': 'Windows 10 Pro', 'os_version': '10.0.19045', 'host_driver_version': '525.60.12', 'gpu_id_list': ['1E3010DE-133210DE'], 'client_platform_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113', 'hv_platform': 'Unknown', 'cpu_sockets': 1, 'physical_cores': 8}, 'registration_pending': False, 'update_pending': False}
> [ code ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000: {'code_challenge': 'bTwcOn17SD5mtwmFdKDgufnceGXeGYcnFfMHqmjtReo', 'origin_ref': '41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000'}
> [ code ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000: {'code_challenge': 'FCVDfgKmgr+lyvSpOxr4fZnDZv8VrNtNEAZPUuLAr7A', 'origin_ref': '41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000'}
> [ auth ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000 (bTwcOn17SD5mtwmFdKDgufnceGXeGYcnFfMHqmjtReo): {'auth_code': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NzE1NTcwMzMsImV4cCI6MTY3MTU1NzkzMywiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiYlR3Y09uMTdTRDVtdHdtRmRLRGd1Zm5jZUdYZUdZY25GZk1IcW1qdFJlbyIsIm9yaWdpbl9yZWYiOiJiVHdjT24xN1NENW10d21GZEtEZ3VmbmNlR1hlR1ljbkZmTUhxbWp0UmVvIiwia2V5X3JlZiI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCJ9.m5M4h9HRYWkItHEdYGApJVM7TgBH0qyDXCxPkaG2-Km5SviRMk0_3er5Myjq3rYGlr88JBviA07Pc3cr7fV-tDAXaSGalxLNfFtVRcnzqbtgnkodep1PHRUXYkiQgfaJ36m02zZucu4qMyYfQTpZ_-x67eycFKyN9T9cRJ4PYFe5W_6_zjzz6D0qeLACDhXt4ns980URttKfn2vACE8gPP5-EC-7lSY1g1mAWJKB_X9OlYRFE2mkCxnde6z5I2qmCXE_awimkigjo5LYvDcjCz60QDsOD2Ojgz4Y9xgjPbKnup4c2orKTWLUfT8_o4toKbaSfuLzPtD-41b3E8NqHQ', 'code_verifier': 'NCkAAB0+AACEHAAAIAAAAEoWAACAGAAArGwAAOkkAABfTgAAK0oAADFiAAANXAAAHzwAAKg4AAC/GwAAkxsAAEJHAABiDwAAaC8AAFMYAAAOLAAAFUkAAEheAAALOwAAHmwAAIJtAABpKwAArmsAAGM8AABnVwAA5FkAAP8mAAA'}
> [ auth ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000 (FCVDfgKmgr+lyvSpOxr4fZnDZv8VrNtNEAZPUuLAr7A): {'auth_code': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NzE1NTcwMzQsImV4cCI6MTY3MTU1NzkzNCwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiRkNWRGZnS21ncitseXZTcE94cjRmWm5EWnY4VnJOdE5FQVpQVXVMQXI3QSIsIm9yaWdpbl9yZWYiOiJGQ1ZEZmdLbWdyK2x5dlNwT3hyNGZabkRadjhWck50TkVBWlBVdUxBcjdBIiwia2V5X3JlZiI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCJ9.it_UKCHLLd25g19zqryZ6_ePrkHljXJ3uX-hNdu-pcmnYD9ODOVl2u5bRxOrP6S2EUO4WLZIuvLOhbFBUHfZfXFRmmCv4NDJoZx36Qn6zszePK9Bngej40Qf8Wu3JGXMVrwfC6WNW6WFeUT-s9jos5e1glFk_E3ZhOYQjXljWOcfcNvZ-PVJFBi5OzyQqLuL43GQH_PSF66N2gq0OyKgxTvg2q6SzGD3YAxsbjy2mD0YOUv8pW8Dr_9L4hmnNHg2DdM_lCwmy4qIBaDkAQDq8VCw1-4RcXROiLlYwhvHRalsXnmREPXaOUiUrr8rrCX8jgc7Fcd1uhY5jnouWbwEAg', 'code_verifier': 'tFAAAKQSAAAqOQAAhykAANJxAAA9PQAAyFwAALNsAAB/VQAA4GQAAB5fAAA2JgAApWIAAKMeAAB3YwAAggQAAPsEAAAuAgAAblIAABR/AAAfAgAAenoAAKZ3AABUTQAA5CQAANkTAAC8JwAAvUQAAO0yAAA3awAAegIAAD1iAAA'}
> [ leases ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000 (bTwcOn17SD5mtwmFdKDgufnceGXeGYcnFfMHqmjtReo): found 0 active leases
> [ leases ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000 (FCVDfgKmgr+lyvSpOxr4fZnDZv8VrNtNEAZPUuLAr7A): found 0 active leases
> [ create ]: 41720000-FA43-4000-9472-0000E8660000 (bTwcOn17SD5mtwmFdKDgufnceGXeGYcnFfMHqmjtReo): create leases for scope_ref_list ['1e9335d0-049d-48b2-b719-e551c859f9f9']
in comparison to linux
Dec 20 17:53:32 ubuntu-grid-server nvidia-gridd[10354]: vGPU Software package (0)
Dec 20 17:53:32 ubuntu-grid-server nvidia-gridd[10354]: Ignore service provider and node-locked licensing
Dec 20 17:53:32 ubuntu-grid-server nvidia-gridd[10354]: NLS initialized
Dec 20 17:53:32 ubuntu-grid-server nvidia-gridd[10354]: Acquiring license. (Info:; NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation)
Dec 20 17:53:34 ubuntu-grid-server nvidia-gridd[10354]: License acquired successfully. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2022-12-21 16:53:33 GMT)
> [ origin ]: B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A: {'candidate_origin_ref': 'B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A', 'environment': {'fingerprint': {'mac_address_list': ['d6:30:d8:de:46:a7']}, 'hostname': 'ubuntu-grid-server', 'ip_address_list': ['', 'fdfe:7fcd:e30f:40f5:d430:d8ff:fede:46a7', '2003:a:142e:c800::642', 'fe80::d430:d8ff:fede:46a7%ens18'], 'guest_driver_version': '525.60.13', 'os_platform': 'Ubuntu 20.04', 'os_version': '20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)', 'host_driver_version': '525.60.12', 'gpu_id_list': ['1E3010DE-133210DE'], 'client_platform_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000105', 'hv_platform': 'LINUX_KVM', 'cpu_sockets': 1, 'physical_cores': 16}, 'registration_pending': False, 'update_pending': False}
> [ code ]: B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A: {'code_challenge': 'hYSKI4kpZcWqPatM5Sc9RSCuzMeyz2piTmrRQKnnHro', 'origin_ref': 'B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A'}
> [ auth ]: B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A (hYSKI4kpZcWqPatM5Sc9RSCuzMeyz2piTmrRQKnnHro): {'auth_code': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NzE1NTUyMTIsImV4cCI6MTY3MTU1NjExMiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiaFlTS0k0a3BaY1dxUGF0TTVTYzlSU0N1ek1leXoycGlUbXJSUUtubkhybyIsIm9yaWdpbl9yZWYiOiJoWVNLSTRrcFpjV3FQYXRNNVNjOVJTQ3V6TWV5ejJwaVRtclJRS25uSHJvIiwia2V5X3JlZiI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsImtpZCI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCJ9.G5GvGEBNMUga25EeaJeAbDk9yZuLBLyj5e0OzVfIjS70UOvDb-SvLSEhBv9vZ_rxjTtaWGQGK0iK8VnLce8KfqsxZzael6B5WqfwyQiok3WWIaQarrZZXKihWhgF49zYAIZx_0js1iSjoF9-vNSj8zan7j-miOCOssfPzGgfJqvWNnhR6_2YkCQgJssHMjGT1QxaJBZDVOuvY0ND7r6jxlS_Xze1nWtau1mtC6bu2hM8cxbYUtM-XOC8welCZ8ZOCKkutmVix0weV3TVNfR5vuBUz1QS6B9YC8R-eVVBhN2hl4j7kGZLmZ4TpyLViYEUVZsqGBayVIPeN2BhtqTO9g', 'code_verifier': 'IDiWUb62sjsNYuU/YtZ5YJdvvxE70gR9vEPOQo9+lh/DjMt1c6egVQRyXB0FAaASNB4/ME8YQjGQ1xUOS7ZwI4tjHDBbUXFBvt2DVu8jOlkDmZsNeI2IfQx5HRkz1nRIUlpqUC/m01gAQRYAuR6dbUyrkW8bq9B9cOLSbWzjJ0E'}
> [ leases ]: B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A (hYSKI4kpZcWqPatM5Sc9RSCuzMeyz2piTmrRQKnnHro): found 0 active leases
> [ create ]: B210CF72-FEC7-4440-9499-1156D1ACD13A (hYSKI4kpZcWqPatM5Sc9RSCuzMeyz2piTmrRQKnnHro): create leases for scope_ref_list ['f27e8e79-a662-4e35-a728-7ea14341f0cb']
### Error on releasing leases on shutdown (can be ignored and/or fixed with reverse proxy)
The driver wants to release current leases on shutting down windows. This endpoint needs to be a http endpoint.
The error message can safely be ignored (since we have no license limitation :P) and looks like this:
<summary>Log example</summary>
<1>:NLS initialized
<1>:License acquired successfully. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2023-3-30 23:0:22 GMT)
<0>:Failed to return license to (Error: Generic network communication failure)
<0>:End Logging
#### log with nginx as reverse proxy (see [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml))
<1>:NLS initialized
<2>:NLS initialized
<1>:Valid GRID license not found. GPU features and performance will be fully degraded. To enable full functionality please configure licensing details.
<1>:License acquired successfully. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2023-1-4 16:48:20 GMT)
<2>:Valid GRID license not found. GPU features and performance will be fully degraded. To enable full functionality please configure licensing details.
<2>:License acquired successfully from local trusted store. (Info:, NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation; Expiry: 2023-1-4 16:48:20 GMT)
<2>:End Logging
<1>:End Logging
<0>:License returned successfully. (Info:
<0>:End Logging
# Credits
Thanks to vGPU community and all who uses this project and report bugs.
Special thanks to @samicrusader who created build file for ArchLinux.